I can't believe I have neglected this blog for so long! There are a few newer posts on my other one: www.clothdollsbyvada.com but, I've been doing very little sewing so far this summer. Other 'fish to fry', and it has been a sizzling summer. Thundershowers last night and this morning, 75* at 7 am.
My current project, among others, is the attempt to create an acceptable pattern for the nativity set I designed and made up last fall for the nativity challenge on Cloth Doll Artistry. Having mentioned that plan, and putting it off this long, I'd better hustle to have it completed by early fall so it can be available in time for everyone to make at least some of the characters by Christmas. There are nine figures: Mary, Joseph, the infant Jesus, an angel, two shepherds (man and boy), and the three wise men. These are unique, in that they are bottle toppers, or they can sit over a tall candlestick.
I am trying to use the many pictures I took when making the original set, and hopefully I won't have to make up a whole new set at this time, but probably will, in order to better illustrate details of the costumes, etc. I'd like to include all nine figures in one pattern packet, to avoid duplication of the basics. The alternative would be to split it into three groups: holy family, shepherds and angel, and the wisemen. Comments on this would be appreciated. What would be your preference, if you were purchasing this pattern?
Eventually, I will need someone to 'test the pattern' for me. If anyone is interested in doing that, please contact me at vadawesley@hotmail.com (you get the pattern free).
Meanwhile, I have spent too many hours creating a picture book of my dolls online at Mixbook.com. I like the result, but with nearly 50 pages, hardbound, it is too expensive to buy extra copies and offer them for sale. Anyone can view the whole book online at Little People, Big Personalities . You may order a copy if you wish, soft or hard cover, but just looking is free. ;-)